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Наукові видання

УДК: 330.101; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-154-160
Почерніна Н.В., к. е. н.,доцент Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного


Анотація. В статті досліджено теоретичні та методологічні аспекти оцінки результативності експортоорієнтованої туристичної діяльності. Сформульовано основні принципи організації ефективного функціонування малих форм туристичного бізнесу, орієнтованих на зовнішнього споживача. Розроблено алгоритм оцінки ефективності для експортоорієнтованої зеленої садиби.

Ключові слова: методологія, туризм, експортна орієнтація, ефективність, глобальна економіка, зелена садиба.

JEL code classification: D 100; D 130; D 190
Pochernina N.V., PhD, Ass. Prof. Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University


Abstract. Introduction The current state of functioning of the national economy is characterized by the increasing importance of small business in economic and social aspects. Small forms of production and infrastructure activities are one of the basic components of regional development. The current state of functioning of the national economy is characterized by the increasing importance of small business in economic and social aspects. Small forms of production and infrastructure activities are one of the basic components of regional development. The purpose of this article is to explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the level of efficiency of export-oriented tourism based on green estates. Results. The results of the study proved the relevance of export-oriented development of rural tourism in Ukraine. The peculiarities of development of tourist activity in the system of personal peasant farms are formulated. It is proved that the basic principles of organization of export-oriented activities of the green estate include the following: adaptation to European standards; exploitation of unique national natural resources and cultural brands; provision of specific services for foreigners; integration into the existing system of tourism relations. Conclusions. The importance of ensuring export-oriented development of family tourism business in Ukraine is substantiated in the paper. The positive influence of this sectoral direction on the overall level of welfare of the rural family and the nature of socio-economic relations in the system of rural territories have been proved. The basic principles of organization of export-oriented tourist activity in the field of rural tourism are formulated. An algorithm for estimating the level of efficiency of export-oriented activity of green estates has been developed, taking into account the specificity of the object of study and the direction of activity.

Keywords: methodology, tourism, export orientation, efficiency, global economy, green estate.

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