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Наукові видання

УДК 621:656.078.8; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-231-237

Греськів О.Б., к. геогр. н., доцент ВП НУБіП України «Бережанський агротехнічний інститут»


Анотація. В статті розглянуто теоретичні підходи сутності поняття організаційна культура. Дано оцінку організаційної культури в розрізі досліджуваного регіону. Методом групування підтверджено вплив організаційної культури фірми на результати від господарської діяльності. Розроблені економікоматематичні моделі кореляційної залежності між факторами впливу організаційної культури фірми та результативними показниками.

Ключові слова: організаційна культура, соціально-економічні системи, розвиток, система, системний підхід, модель.

JEL code classification: M14

Greskiv O.B., PhD, Ass. Prof SD of NULES of Ukraine «Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute»


Abstract. Theoretical positions of organizational culture on the requirements of systematic approach in the development of enterprises have been deepened in the article. By the term “organizational culture” we mean a system of institutions in which the collective community of organizations in the process of activity provides a high level of agreement on: compliance with standards of behavior, ethical standards, rules of the game, directions, goals and strategies for the development of organizational units. We have found that with an increase in the score of the organizational culture of the company, respectively, the performance increases. The level of organizational culture in the administrative districts of Ternopil region is investigated, which is ambiguous. It is found that 53% of administrative districts are characterized by medium organizational culture of the firm. The criteria for evaluating organizational culture include: the level of intra-system functional integration, the level of adaptive balance of the strategy of development of socio-economic systems and mechanisms for their implementation, the level of balance of functions, rights and responsibilities of the subjects of activity, the level of strategic orientation of the socio-economic system, the level of innovative susceptibility of the socio-economic system, the level of conformity of the formed power distance to the level of development of values and systems -functional responsibility in the organization, level of development of management as a system in the context of strategic enterprises, the level of susceptibility of organizational culture. It is established that an important prerequisite for the formation of a productive system of organizational support for the activities of agricultural enterprises is the formation of a portfolio of documents – regulations. One of the important documents – regulations is an instruction and technological map of the organization of management work. The main task of organizational culture in modern conditions is the need for the enterprise to self-develop, to self-regenerate, while using its internal potential, that is, the ability to self-organize.

Keywords: organizational culture, socio-economic systems, development, system, systematic approach, model.

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