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Наукові видання

УДК 631.15; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-253-259
Колос З.В., к.е.н, доцент ВП НУБіП України «Бережанськийагротехнічний інститут» zenoviy.kolos@gmail.com


Анотація. Обґрунтовано стратегію ефективного управління виробничим потенціалом сільськогосподарських підприємств, яке повинно являти собою гнучку систему, що буде змінюватись, пристосовуватись до нових ринкових умов, при цьому виробляти якісну продукцію та забезпечувати загальний стійкий розвиток аграрних підприємств. Запропоновано багатофакторну модель, яка дозволить, на нашу думку, правильно підійти до визначення ефективності системи управління, до оцінки діяльності трудових колективів.

Ключові слова: управління, виробничий потенціал, ефективність, сільськогосподарське підприємство, стратегія.

JEL code classification: M11, M19
Kolos Z.V., PhD, Ass. Prof. SD of NULES of Ukraine «Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute» zenoviy.kolos@gmail.com


Abstract. The efficiency of managing the productive potential of agrarian enterprises is achieved under conditions of its rational use, balancing capabilities of the enterprise with the potential of the environment to achieve the stated goals and in order to survive in a competitive environment. The development of strategy for increasing the effectiveness of strategic management and the use of production potential of agricultural enterprises requires, first and foremost, resource substantiation of the possibilities for its further development: evaluation of available resource potential and its level of utilization, definition of unused resources potential, optimization of the resources of the enterprise and sources of their formation; assessment of the risks of additional attraction of resources. Increasing the efficiency of management of production potential, ensuring its rational use is largely due to the implementation of qualitative changes in the composition of resources and the increase in efficiency in their use. The task of increasing the efficiency of management of the agricultural potential of agricultural enterprises is improving use on innovative basis, increasing its complexity, which manifests itself in the close relationship of its components. The article substantiates the strategy of effective management of the agricultural potential of agricultural enterprises, which should be a flexible system that will change, adapt to new market conditions, while producing highquality products and ensuring the overall sustainable development of agrarian enterprises. A multifactor model is proposed which will, in our opinion, allow us to correctly approach the definition of the effectiveness of the management system, and to evaluate the activities of work collectives.

Keywords: management, production potential, efficiency, agricultural enterprise, strategy.

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