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Наукові видання

УДК: 336; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-96-107

Васильченко О.О., ст. викладач, Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного Баєва О.І., к.е.н, доцент, Національний фармацевтичний університет


Анотація. Стаття присвячена проблемі оцінки економічної активності населення України та країн ЄС. Розглянуто динаміку економічно активного населення України та країн ЄС, рівень безробіття у цих країнах. Оцінено попит на робочу силу в Україні по галузях народного господарства. Зроблено акцент на визначення місця України серед країн ЄС за станом безробіття

Ключові слова. Економічна активність населення. Зайнятість. Рівень зайнятості. Безробіття. Рівень безробіття. Економічно неактивне населення.

JEL code classification: F29, F16
Vasylchenko O.O., Senior Lecturer, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University Baeva O.I., Associate Professor, National Pharmaceutical University


Abstract. The issue of economic activity of the population is one of the key in the study of the mechanism of functioning of the labor market at the macro level. It is emphasized that, despite the considerable elaboration of this problem, there is a need to compare the state of the labor market in Ukraine with the labor market of the European Union countries. The study draws attention to the need to use scientifically based models to predict the main indicators of employment and unemployment in the development of managerial decisions in the labor market of Ukraine and EU countries. The analysis of the dynamics of economic activity of the population of Ukraine over the last five years shows a gradual decrease in the number of economically active population of Ukraine as a whole and in working age. It was found that during the analyzed period, the employment rates did not change at all. The unemployment rate in the country during this period also remains unchanged. At the same time, the highest unemployment rate occurs among the population over 45 and those with higher education. The authors have identified, that the largest share of those registered in the state employment service is occupied by workers of the processing industry, wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, as well as employees of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which indicates that there is a stable demand for labor in these areas of activity. Comparison of the employment rate of the population in Ukraine and the EU countries made it possible to conclude that in all EU Member States there is a positive tendency to decrease the unemployment rate in the country. However, the unemployment rate in Ukraine is one of the highest among EU countries. The study emphasizes the need for structural transformation of the Ukrainian economic system, which will allow to increase the efficiency of use of economically active population.

Keyword: economic activity of the population, employment, employment rate, unemployment, unemployment rate, economically inactive population.

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