JEL Code Classification: M30, M39; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-66-71
Voronianska О.V. PhD in Economics., Associate Professor Аrestenkо Т.V., PhD in Economics., Associate Professor Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University Yakyshik I.D.
Abstract. Different approaches to creation of a system of indicators for assessing marketing activities effectiveness are defined. It is revealed that differences in approaches happen due to direction, branch, purpose and period of coverage of marketing activities. It is emphasized that it is necessary to calculate costs of marketing activities and effectiveness of these costs due to their riskiness. Formulation of research objectives. Cost control requires companies and trade organizations to assess effectiveness of implementing measures related to the study of a market situation, sales of goods, creation of a customer base, and others. In such a situation, it is very important to determine methodological approaches to development of a system of indicators for assessing marketing activities effectiveness, as well as factors influencing this process. Conclusions and recommendations for further research. Summarizing existing approaches to assessing marketing activities effectiveness, it is necessary to provide methodological approaches that will be based on analyzes, industry, scope of analysis, field of application, strategic orientation. It should be noted that there is no single approach for conducting such an analysis and a single system of indicators that could be used in any case was not created. In order to further improve the marketing activity and its evaluation, it is better to analyze not only financial and economic indicators but also indicators related to the steady growth of enterprises and organizations.
Keywords: Marketing activity, indicators, efficiency, marketing innovation, risk of costs.
УДК: 658.8.003.13
Воронянська О.В., к.е.н., доцент Арестенко Т.В., к.е.н., доцент Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного Якушик І.Д.
Анотація. Визначені різні підходи до формування системи показників оцінювання ефективності маркетингової діяльності. З’ясовано, що відмінності у підходах обумовлено спрямованістю, галуззю використання, метою і періодом охоплення маркетинговою діяльністю. Наголошується на необхідності обчислення витрат на маркетингову діяльність і ефективності цих витрат у зв’язку з їх ризикованістю.
Ключові слова. Маркетингова діяльність, показники, ефективність, інновації в маркетинг, ризикованість витрат.