УДК: 330.101; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-146-153
Попова Т.В., к. е. н.,доцент Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного
Анотація. В статті досліджено теоретичні та практичні аспекти забезпечення експортоорієнтованого функціонування селянських господарств. Обґрунтовано необхідність створення умов для ефективного розвитку даного вектору економічної діяльність в системі малого аграрного виробництва. Розроблено базові принципи забезпечення експортоорієнтованої діяльності селянських господарств.
Ключові слова: селянські господарства, експортна орієнтація, ефективність, глобальна економіка, аграрне виробництво.
JEL code classification: D 100, D 130, D 190
Popova T.V. PhD, Associate Professor Dmytro Motornyi Tavria state agrotechnological university
Abstract. Introduction The current stage of development of domestic agricultural production is characterized by an increase in small forms of farming, in particular peasant farms. They largely shape the domestic market for a range of agricultural raw materials (milk, honey, fruit and vegetables, potatoes, etc.). Also important is the social aspect of the activities of the peasant farms, as they represent the dominant form of self-employment of the rural population. Under these conditions, it is extremely important to justify the directions of the effective functioning of the farms, one of which is export-oriented activities. The purpose of this article is to investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the export-oriented development of farms in the national economy. Results. The results of the study proved the relevance of the development of export-oriented economic activity on the basis of peasant farms in Ukraine. The factors that determine the dynamics of development of a given agricultural entity are identified. Their influence on prospects of export-oriented activities of peasant farms is substantiated. The necessity of a systematic approach to ensuring exportoriented development of farms has been proved. The basic principles of the Concept of the regional program of providing export-oriented activity of the peasant farms of the Steppe zone of Ukraine have been developed. Conclusions. The conceptual directions of development of export-oriented activity on the basis of peasant farms are substantiated in the article. The existence of considerable potential for the corresponding vector of economic activity of the subjects of small agricultural production is proved. The basic principles of the program concept of providing export-oriented activity of peasant farms in the Steppe zone of Ukraine are formulated. The purpose, objectives and projected results in case of successful implementation of this project are determined.
Keywords: peasant farms, export orientation, efficiency, global economy, agrarian production.