УДК: 631.14.001.76; DOI: 10.31388/2519-884X-2019-39-286-294
Яворська Т.І., д. е. н., професор,
Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет
імені Дмитра Моторного
Анотація. В роботі розглянуто стан галузевої структури сільськогосподарських підприємств України,
в тому числі малих фермерських господарств в 2014-2018 роках. Встановлено, що тенденція зменшення
частки тваринницької продукції в загальному обсязі реалізації продукції зберігається. Виявлені відмінності
зміни галузевих структур в основних природно-кліматичних зонах України. Розглянуто вплив галузевої
структури на рівень рентабельності виробництва продукції.
Ключові слова: галузева структура, сільськогосподарські підприємства, фермерські господарства, рос-
линництво, тваринництво, рівень рентабельності
JEL code classification: Q12, Q19
Yavorska T. I., doctor of economic sciences, professor
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Abstract. Formulation of the problem. A study of the industry structure of enterprises showed that the efficiency
of production depends largely on the composition of the industries and the relationship between them. Ignoring the
problem of sectoral restructuring of the production leads structure to negative consequences. Therefore, managing
a rational combination of industries in agricultural enterprises has been and remains an urgent problem.
Research results. The main factors influencing the development of agriculture are: climatic conditions, special-
ization and concentration of production, market conditions, scientific and technological progress and economic
policy of the state. The changes in the branch structure of agricultural enterprises and small farms of Ukraine are
analyzed for the period 2014-2018. Sectoral structure was determined by the indicator (income) from the sale of
agricultural products. It is determined that the share of crop production in total sales continues to increase. Ac-
cordingly, the share of livestock products is decreasing. This has a certain impact on the level of profitability of
production of enterprises, especially small farms.
The differences in the sectoral structures of agricultural production in the three major natural and climatic
zones of Ukraine are revealed. It is determined that the most significant changes occurred in the sectoral structure
of agricultural enterprises of the Steppe.
Conclusions. The modern sectoral structure of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises is far from rational. The
study showed that the downward trend in the share of livestock products in total agricultural production persists. In
small farmers, this reduction is accelerating, especially in the steppe zone. Sectoral structure influences production
efficiency. Its change in dynamics causes a change in the level of profitability of production. In order to increase
the efficiency of their activities, agricultural enterprises must constantly improve their sectoral structure of produc-
tion. This, in turn, will change the economic parameters of their development.
Keywords: branch structure, agricultural enterprise, crop production, animal husbandry, level of profitability.