Melitopol, Boghdan Khmelnitsky Avenue, 18. Room 2.205 Tel .: +380 (619) 423201 e-mail:
Nekhay Viktoriya Vasylivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Management

Базова вища освіта

In 1985 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgical Academy, majoring in "Mechanized processing of economic information".
In 2020 she received a master's degree in 075 "Marketing".

Вчене звання

Docent. In 2011 she received the academic title of associate professor of finance, management and banking.

Науковий ступінь

Doctor of Economics (08.00.04 "Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity)." In 2019 she defended her dissertation on "Sales of agricultural machinery on the basis of consolidated marketing: theory, methodology, practice" in the Specialized Academic Council D 55.051 .01 Sumy State University (the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science was approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 289 dated 26.02.12020).
PhD in Economics. In 2006 she defended her dissertation in the specialized academic council of Tavriya National University named after VI Vernadsky and received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. Specialty: economics, organization and management of enterprises. Dissertation topic: "Improving the effectiveness of agricultural machinery on the basis of marketing."

Ідентифікатори науковця:

Google Scholar Open Researcher ID (ORCiD)

Галузь наукових інтересів:
  • Industrial marketing
  • Marketing of agricultural machinery enterprises
  • Consolidated marketing
  • Logistics management

Досвід наукової та викладацької діяльності:

Since 2000 she has worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of the Faculty of Economics and Humanities of the Tavriya National University named after VI Vernadsky. Since 2009 - Associate Professor of Finance, Management and Banking, Faculty of Economics and Humanities, Zaporizhia National University. In the Tavriya State Agrotechnological University. Dmytro Motorny - from September 2018 as an associate professor of marketing, from July 2020 - associate professor of management.
Types and results of professional activity of Doctor of Economics Nekhay V.V.

Scientific works of Doctor of Economics Nekhay V.V.

Навчальні дисципліни

Підвищення кваліфікації, стажування

Основні види діяльності, досягнення
  • Pedagogical activity - Associate Professor of Management, Tavriya State Agrotechnological University named after Dmitry Motorny

  • Scientific activity - responsible executor of the complex scientific theme "Development of management of organizations in the conditions of world economic integration and globalization challenges" of the Department of FEA Management and European Integration of Sumy National Agrarian University (state registration number 0114U002209). Subtopic: "Choosing consolidated marketing to solve problems of sales of agricultural machinery."

  • Organizational work - responsible for the international activities of the Department of Management of Tavriya State Agrotechnological University named after Dmitry Motorny.

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