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Schedule of mutual information

Schedule of mutual information
Schedule of mutual information

The schedule of mutual visits is reflected in the plan of work of the department. The quality of educational activity of scientific and pedagogical staff depends, first of all, on their professional qualification. Deep mastery of educational material and appropriate methods of its teaching. Ability to carry out its analysis and based on the results of timely adjustments in the part related to the educational and methodological support of a particular discipline.

One of the forms of improving the quality of teaching is mutual attendance at classes. “Mutual visits are an effective form of adopting the professional and pedagogical experience of colleagues and improving the pedagogical skills of teachers.

The main purpose of mutual attendance is:
  • ensuring a constant exchange of best practices in the educational process;
  • coordination on the amount of educational material, methods and procedures for teaching the discipline in different study groups;
  • logical sequence and interrelation of teaching related disciplines.
  • All scientific and pedagogical employees of the department take part in mutual visits of educational classes: from beginning teachers to master teachers and innovators.

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