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Electronic textbook

Electronic textbook

Electronic textbook

is an educational publication that contains a systematic presentation of the discipline or part thereof. Which meets the state standard and curriculum and is officially approved as this type of publication. It partially replaces or supplements the textbook. Is officially approved as this type of publication. The text of the electronic textbook is presented in electronic form. And is provided with a branched system of communications, which allows you to instantly move from one fragment to another according to a hierarchy of fragments.
The Law of Ukraine “On Education” defines: “electronic textbook (manual) – an electronic educational publication with a systematic presentation of educational material. As result that corresponds to the educational program, contains digital objects of various formats. Educational program provides interactive interaction too.”

Training manuals

Nesterenko S.A./A>
Ageeva I.V.
Surzhenko N.V.
Zablotskykh A.H.
Information technology in managementAuthors:
Kravets OV
Zablotskykh A.H.
Zablotskykh A.H.


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