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State attestation

State attestation

Management and administration is a type of professional activity aimed at the application of specific forms and methods, management tools in the management system at the level of enterprises, their associations and structural units in order to ensure their effective operation, which involves rational using the potential of the enterprise in order to achieve specific performance indicators.

Order № 1479 – C “On approval of the topics of qualification work, appointment of managers and consultants and setting deadlines for graduation”

Entrance professional test is a general test of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of entrants in the specialty “Management” and is conducted in the form of testing in the discipline “Fundamentals of Management” (1 hour).

The sphere of activity of specialists in the field of training “Management” is production and economic activity and its management, administration in the management system of the enterprise, management activity.

Graduates of the department can work in public and corporate government, in the system of local self-government, in particular – in departments dealing with production management, sales, personnel, production and economic and foreign economic activity, etc., in the field of communications, finance and investment; at enterprises, organizations and institutions, firms, joint-stock and other types of companies.

Management and administration specialists can hold managerial and executive positions of economist / manager of various management and production departments, marketer, economist-manager, manager in the field of foreign economic activity, etc.

The entrant must:


  • the essence and content of management,
  • common features and differences of management and entrepreneurship,
  • principles and functions of management,
  • the nature, essence and development of management,
  • modern approaches to the study of management: traditional, systemic and situational,
  • management theory,
  • factors of the internal and external environment of the organization,
  • the essence of the mission and goals of the organization,
  • essence and functions of strategic planning,
  • concepts and types of motivation,
  • characteristics of types of control in terms of their implementation time,
  • types of organizational management structures,
  • essence and classification of management methods,
  • essence and content of management decisions and classification of management decisions,
  • levels of management information support,
  • the essence of the communication process,
  • the concept of leadership,
  • forms of influence and power in the organization,
  • nature, types, levels, causes and methods of conflict resolution,
  • business qualities and personal abilities of the manager,
  • the concept of social responsibility and management ethics,
  • The essence of organizational culture.

be able:

  • correctly define the essence and content of the processes of management, leadership, entrepreneurship and management;
  • to analyze the internal and external environment of the object of management, social and psychological factors that determine the effectiveness of interaction and connecting processes of management;
  • Establish communication and decision-making processes.

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