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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: I25

Аuthor(s) Vronska S., postgraduate Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
Аnbstract In modern conditions, university education is one of the determining factors of economic development of the state, as university education has been a productive field of activity of developed countries for many years, which ensures the competitiveness of national economic systems. Dynamic changes in the education system and economic life of the country necessitated further research and theoretical studies and practical impact of university education on domestic economy. The article analyzes the economic aspect of the current state of university education as an important factor in economic growth. The main problems of functioning of the domestic higher school are determined, first of all the problem of disproportion, insufficient financing, discrepancy between the competencies of graduates acquired in institutions of higher education and the available inquiries of employers. The author studies the existing scientific and innovative potential of higher education in Ukraine, summarizes the features of the export of educational services by domestic free economic zones. In order for domestic higher education to really fully contribute to economic development, we propose the following areas of its modernization: to continue improving the legal framework in the field of education; gradually introduce a dual system of education based on a combination of cycles of practical and theoretical training; design strategies for cooperation between the Free Economic Zone and business structures; to provide sufficient funding for the material and technical base of domestic free economic zones; at the state level to promote the formation of a positive image of the specialties of the natural direction; support the process of ensuring the competitiveness of universities and educational programs, which is regulated by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Keywords university education, economic development, free economic zone, financing, educational services, export of educational services.
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