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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: E62, F42, F52, F62

Аuthor(s) Andrii Karpenko, D. Sc. in Economics, Ass. Prof.,
Professor of economics and customs department
Yuliia Pustovit,
National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»
Аbstract The article considers the peculiarities of the functioning of the education system in Ukraine. It is noted about the leadership of the developed countries of the world at the expense of intellectual assets of the population. The current problems in the education system and the main factors that cause them are identified. The educational conditions in Ukraine and their influence on the formation of intellectual assets of the population are characterized. The generalization of opinions on the understanding of educational conditions is offered. A comparison is made with the features of policies of other countries, regarding the use of education in the formation of intellectual assets as a leading factor in economic growth. Proposals for improving educational conditions in Ukraine and the development of intellectual assets of the population are provided.
The generalization of the main categories related to the formation of educational conditions is performed. The main provisions of the legislation on the formation and implementation of educational conditions in Ukraine are revealed. The current trends of the world economy related to the main features of the educational system are identified. The comparison of stimulation of work of pedagogical workers and cost of training is executed. It is determined that today in Ukraine the development of the educational environment is characterized by negative trends. At all educational levels, from preschool to higher, there is a reduction in both quantitative and qualitative indicators. The educational system of Ukraine is negatively perceived in society today, which, along with the lost prestige of the teaching profession and low wages, does not encourage its qualitative changes. It is substantiated that the intellectual assets of the population are a set of different elements of human potential that develop and improve throughout life, through the prism of education, culture, level of education and motivation to learn and are reflected in the intellectual activity of individuals. They are the key to economic growth of the world’s leading countries, because they are capable of accumulation and self-reproduction, unlike other resources of production. The formation of intellectual assets of the population is conditioned by educational conditions, which reflect the synthesis of the peculiarities of the education system, the conditions of access to knowledge and the direct quality of the implementation of educational programs. Currently, there are a number of problems in Ukraine related to each of these components. Therefore, the joint efforts of government agencies at different economic levels, the educational and scientific community, business and the public in agreeing on the main priorities and directions of creating favorable educational conditions can further ensure the development of intellectual assets of the population.
Key words intellectual assets, educational conditions, human potential, population, education, economic growth.
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