Self-governmentThe bodies of student self-government are the nucleus of students. Student self-government is one of the forms of improving the training of a future specialist, his national-civil education, which functions to ensure that students fulfill their duties while protecting their rights.
Student self-government contributes to the harmonious development of the individual’s students and the formation of his skills future organizer, leader. The bodies of student self-government are independent of political parties, public organizations, state administration bodies.
They promote the organization of educational, scientific, cultural, educational, sports-mass and other activities involving students. Student self-government is carried out at the level of academic group, dormitory, course, faculty, university.
The Student Council of the faculty is the supreme governing and executive body of student self-government at the faculty. Its leaders are members of the Student Committee of the University, the Academic Council and the Trade Union Committee of the University, the Academic Council of the Faculty.
The bodies of student self-government have the right to initiate the use of encouragements or reprimands for students, which are then considered and approved by the academic council of the faculty.