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Scientific publications

Author(s) Tebenko V.M., PhD, аss. prof,
Andrieieva L.O, PhD, аss. prof,
Lysak O.I., PhD, аss. prof,
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Annotation Formulation of the problem. The domestic agrarian industry has considerable land and labor potential, but its effective use is not possible without strengthening and updating of the material and technical base, replacement of existing resource and labor-intensive technologies with modern material, energy and labor-saving technologies. The transition to an innovative path of development and intensification of the agrarian sector are nowadays the main directions of its development, but also practically the only opportunities for stabilization of production, satisfaction of consumers’ needs for quality food.
Research results. The volume of capital investments in Ukraine, by type of economic activity, during the 2014-2018 year increased by a total of UAH 359.3 billion, including to agriculture by UAH 47.3 billion. The volume of investment in agriculture during this period increased from 18.7 billion UAH. to UAH 66.1 billion, its share in total investments increased from 8.6% to 11.4%. Ukrainian agrarians prefer to import equipment first of all, therefore most of the equipment in Ukraine is of foreign production. Moreover, imported equipment is technologically advanced and more expensive. In 2014 and 2015, agricultural imports were low, causing political and economic instability in the countries. During these years, farmers were afraid to invest in machinery, especially expensive, with a long payback period.
Conclusions. Investment attractiveness is significantly influenced by both the general state of the country’s economy and the conditions of doing business. At the present stage, only technological modernization will be able to ensure the formation of efficient, resource-saving, environmentally friendly agriculture, which is able not only to meet the needs of the internal market, but also to lead the country to leading positions in foreign agricultural markets.
Keywords modernization, innovation, innovative development, technology, efficiency, investments.
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