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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: M15

Аuthor(s) Hudzynska L. Yu., Ph.D., Ass Prof Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Hudzynska Yu. S.,PhD, Ass. Prof. National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine,
Аnbstract The article is devoted to research scientific approaches to formation of intellectual-competent potential of management of socio-economic systems. Founded theoretical and methodological bases of effective management formation as system integrity with high level of creative intellectual and competent potential. The focus is on systematic-comprehensive approach to forming the intellectual competence potential of the plans team in all the balanced types of organizational activity of line and functional direction in the system of Interaction: Population-orientation, cultural, ethical, socio-climatic, behavioral, communication, coordination, control-responsible, intensification, functional-providing, strategic, tactical, innovative and other Direction in organic unity.
A substantiated system of competent knowledge, which covers the integrated 20 positions. Further disclosure of the components of the intellectual and competent potential of innovation management. The innovative competence is disclosed in the methodological aspect of 31 semantic positions and is the basis of development of mathematical models of estimation of innovation-competent potential of management as system integrity.
The types of development and behaviour of enterprises which are put into the basis: substantiation of the qualitative structure of intellectual and competent potential of management as system integrity with allocation of integrated 7 blocks; Methodologies of assessing the potential of management and effectiveness of its use. The methodological approach of the systematization criteria for estimation the effectiveness of management of socio-economic structures on the formed blocks of Synergism is suggested.
Key words Competence, potential of competence, competent potential, system, systemic integrity, potential, social responsibility.
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