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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: M19

Аuthor(s) Yarchuk A.V., Ph.D., Sen. Lect.
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Аbstract The article is devoted to the substantiation of theoretical provisions and development of measures to improve the organization and methodology of economic analysis of the business entity and assessing the quality of its information support. The peculiarities and role of economic analysis in the modern world economic space are considered. The methodical approach to the creation of an information base is determined. Indicated on the peculiarities of conducting economic analysis in modern conditions. Attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of economic analysis on micro and macro level. The main directions of analytical research in various spheres of economic activity are considered. The tasks of economic analysis of the entity’s activities are given. The content of analytical information is specified; The role of economic analysis in the process of adopting managerial decisions through the determination of the type of economic analysis was substantiated due to the systematization of its results on each stage of decision-making. The content of the organization of economic analysis and its theoretical justification, which is to formulate four components – staffing, information, methodological, technical support is determined. The directions of improvement of the quality of information provision of economic analysis are allocated in terms of clarifying the list of components of economic information to ensure a single approach to interpreting the elements of the input and output information in the analysis system. The requirements for analytics are systematized to assess the possibility of a specialist to carry out analytical procedures and ensure the proper completeness and reasonableness of economic analysis.
Key words Economic analysis, information, economic analysis, objectives of economic analysis, objects of economic analysis, organization of economic analysis, subject of economic analysis, information provision analysis.
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