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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: H73, H77

Аuthor(s) Zavadskykh H.M., PhD, Ass.Prof.
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Аnbstract Formulation of the problem. The purpose of decentralization reform is to form effective local self-government and territorial organization of government to create and maintain a full living environment for citizens, provide high quality and affordable public services, establish institutions of direct democracy, harmonize the interests of the state and local communities.
Presentation of the material. The reform of decentralization has three components: the reform of the territorial organization of power, the reform of local self-government, and the reform of regional policy.
Prior to the decentralization reform in the Zaporizhia region there were 20 districts, 950 settlements, 5 cities of regional importance and 299 local councils, including: rural – 263, urban – 22, urban – 14. As of April 9, 2021 in the Zaporozhye region formed 5 enlarged districts, 67 communities created. We can state the positive dynamics and successful implementation of decentralization reform in the Zaporozhye region. Dynamics of local budget revenues for January-February 2020-2021 per 1 inhabitant of the region shows a tendency to increase. The share of own revenues in total revenues in Zaporizhia region is higher than in the Dnipropetrovsk region and the national average is lower than in the Kherson region.
Conclusions. The main trends in the implementation of decentralization reform in the Zaporozhye region: the budgets of the formed UTC exceeded the indicators of previous periods, there is a tendency to overfulfill budgets; the process of discussing the reform on the ground intensified and, as a result, the level of awareness about the reform among the population and representatives of local self-government increased; cooperation between executive bodies, local self-government bodies and the public has intensified. United communities of Zaporizhia region successfully attract funds from the State Fund for Regional Development, cooperate with international donor organizations.
Along with the obvious benefits of unification and success, in the process of implementing the reform for months and in the Zaporozhye region, in particular, there are problems that hinder the implementation of decentralization. These include imperfect legislation, inconsistencies in funding obligations, weak staffing of community governing bodies, and political and economic instability.
Key words public administration, decentralization, community, district, local self-government, local budget, socio-economic development of the region, transfers, financial independence.
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