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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: M14, M29

Аuthor(s) Plotnichenko S.R., PhD, Ass. Prof.,
Shevchuk E.Y., PhD, Ass. Prof.,
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Аbstract Today, in the conditions of active transition of society from totalitarianism to democracy, more and more people become economically independent of the state, have opportunities for self-organization and autonomy, spontaneous activity and behavior. The development of new communicative forms and methods by public administration bodies and the availability of feedback from the public should contribute, on the one hand, to the formation of a positive corporate image of the government, and on the other – to support democratic transformations in society. Image is an image, reputation, qualitative characteristics of a leader, firm, leader and the nature of public attitude towards them. Vikentyev rightly notes: “Every object that is perceived by a person has a “color”, a name, an image. There are no objects without an image. After all, the fact that it does not exist is also an image. ” The higher the image of the corporation and its employees, the higher the efficiency of their activities.
As a result, the degree of unpredictability has increased sharply. Individuals, social groups and organizations (firms, companies) seek to clearly define the possible results of their exchanges with other people, organizations and government agencies, ie they want to know that their interaction is reliable, effective and honest with organizations, institutions, leaders. The image of the company, organization, leader and leader with certain characteristics is very important for the target audience. Public relations are an integral part of the communicative process of public administration. They are an integral part of modern communication space, a type of communication technology for the application of corporate image.
Key words image, corporation, image of corporation, eye gauge, press conference, style of business relations, style of behavior, personal culture, press release, relations of firm with mass media.
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