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JEL code classification: M10, M19

Аuthor(s) Plotnichenko S.R., PhD, Ass. Prof.,
VoroninaY.E., PhD, ass. prof.,
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Аbstract The manager is a special concentration of abilities and the ability to communicate and create conditions for the disclosure of personal potential of employees, now it is the essential bases of communication in the public service that are subject to revision. This is explained by the fact that the attitude of the actors of managerial communication to each other as objects of sometimes can very often lead to the demoralization of relations, depleted functioning, a formal approach to the profession. The basis of success of a business person, no matter what occupation he chooses, is to create a climate of cooperation, trust and attention. Therefore, communication with people is a science and an art. Here are important not only the natural abilities of man and his desire to communicate, but also knowledge of the laws of communication. Managers must understand that for successful activities they can and should learn to navigate in psychological approaches to partners, to adequately understand the reality, to choose such ways of business communication that will contribute to success both in professional activities and in life. Managers should pay special attention to the fact that the problem of communication is one of the most important in the life of a business person. When interacting with other people, modern man needs to know the basic rules of ethical behavior and communication so that these contacts do not lead to conflicts, do not disturb the social balance, and everyday business communication was harmonious and useful.
Business communication ensures the effective realization of management goals, unites people into a single society, a single country, a single community with a single government, that is, it cements society. The purpose of the development of business communication is the formation of effective management relations in the work of public service.
Key words Communication, reverse flow of information, self-realization of employees, types of business communication, unqualified communication, communicative activity.
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