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Scientific publications

Author(s) Zbarsky VK, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Buryak RI, Doctor of Economics, Professor,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Machine-tractor fleet (MTF) is an important component of the resource base of agricultural enterprises, which provides mechanization of production processes and largely determines the level of productivity and efficiency of production activities. Modern economic conditions are characterized with a reduction in the number of basic equipment’s types, a high level of physical and moral wear and tear of MTF, resulting in increased load on agricultural machinery, increased duration of mechanized work. The share of material costs in the structure of production costs reached 70%, more than half of which are the costs of operating the machine-tractor fleet. At the same time, in recent years the demand for agricultural products has been increasing, which cannot be met without using modern technologies and modern equipment. However, the effectiveness of equipment’s updating and usage, in modern conditions, is also influenced with such factors as the lack of a scientific approach to planning and organizing the usage of agricultural enterprises’ technical means. When solving problems of increasing the level of usage and loading equipment, and also strategic planning, are almost not used the methods of mathematical modeling. The above-indicated determines the need to search the scientifically reasonable approaches for ensuring the appropriate level of technical support and rational usage of technical resources by agricultural enterprises.

Keywords material and technical base, fixed assets, material resources, modernization, recreation.
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