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Scientific publications

Author(s) Radchenko N.G., PhD, Ass.Prof
Marchenko K.Ju., 4th year student
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Annotation Research on credit relations between banks, households and business entities is relevant and important for all participants in the lending market. Analysis of the statistics of the National Bank of Ukraine has allowed to set that in Ukraine the largest share of
credit resources is concentrated in the sector “Non-financial corporations” and in the sector “households”. Among the branches of economy, the banks most actively lend to the enterprises of wholesale and retail trade, processing industry and enterprises of agriculture. The banks’ credit portfolio is represented, mainly by short-term loans up to 1 year. Credit cards are the most common product of retail banks. In the context of the Cashless Economy strategy, credit card sales are a priority for banks. A fairly common product for banks is cash loan. The range of such products is quite wide, the conditions of lending to banks are very similar. What to look for when choosing this product? First, the loan amount. The second selection criterion is the loan term. In addition, the banks set certain age restrictions on the right to use the said credit product. “Car loan” has always been and remains relevant to the population. Equally popular for individuals is “Loan for the purchase of real estate”. It should be noted that mortgage lending in Ukraine belongs to risky banking products, so not every bank is ready to offer a mortgage in the lending market. Therefore, in the lending market in Ukraine there is a very wide range of credit products, which are at the same time very similar, but each of them has certain peculiarities by which banks try to compete with each other and attract the attention of the client. First of all, it is interest rate, commissions, percentage of down payment, minimum required monthly payment, age limits and more. But above all, the most important for the client is the cost of credit, which in recent years is very high compared to other countries in the world. It is this factor that restrains the growth of lending to individuals and legal entities and, accordingly, reduces the potential of banks to increase income and financial results.
Keywords bank lending, loan portfolio, assortment of credit products, leaders of the credit market, comparative analysis of banks, resumption of lending.
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