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Scientific publications

JEL code classification: М 15

Аuthor(s) Gurenko T. O., Ph.D., Ass. Prof., National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine
Аnbstract The article is devoted to research problems of information support of socio-economic systems potential. Grounded scientific approaches to formation of effective control systems of socio-economic structures, which are due to objective circumstances and target installations, which are highlighted in the article and act as prerequisite of formation of qualitative structure Their potential capacity and the object of information supply management as a systematic and synergistic integrity.
A reasoned system of information support, which is disclosed from methodological and organizational positions with the release of constituent elements in the organic unity and integrity in the context of a new approach to understanding the concept of “system”. On the requirements of this approach developed theoretical and methodological foundations of effective management of development of enterprises and mechanism of realization of system potential.
In the context of the systematic approach to the formation of the information support subsystem of the enterprise potential of enterprises deepened disclosure of the accounting and analytical mechanism as a systemic integrity with the focus on implementing the mission of Economic of structures, control, fixed-responsible, accounting, analytical, tracking function. The main directions of improving the level of analytical mechanism effectiveness in the system of potential management of enterprises in the context of new approach to improvement of information support system of management are defined.
The target orientation of the enterprises and their accounting and analytical support is proposed to implement in the context of reasonable target installations and value orientations.
Keywords Potential, types of potential, system, system integrity.
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