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Наукові видання

JEL code classification: C38, E27, F10, F14, F17

Аuthor(s) Shkvyria N.O., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Arestenko T.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Аbstract Problem definition. The activity of hotel service manufacturers is aimed at the needs of consumers, starting from the development of the appearance and content of services, and ending with a comprehensive development strategy in the market. Reliable knowledge of what the consumer needs and what motives influence his decision when choosing hotel services, provides hotel service providers with a successful operation in an unstable market environ-
Research results. The article presents the results of marketing research on the behavior of consumers of hotel services. The advantages of potential consumers of hotel services are determined. It was found that the defining criteria for the quality of hotel services are cleanliness in the room, reception and registration, level of security, friendly service and technical equipment in the room. It is established that the defining criteria for the quality of hotel catering are the
variety of menus, speed of service and taste of food and beverages. The segmentation of consumers of hotel services by the degree of satisfaction. To identify the most significant factors of consumer satisfaction, multiple linear regression analysis using the following variables: dependent variable “overall hotel satisfaction”, independent variables “satisfaction with the organization of booking”, “satisfaction with food and drink”, “satisfaction with the price-quality ratio”. Weaknesses of development of the market of hotel services of Ukraine are substantiated. The consumer satisfaction index is calculated, which means the average perception of the quality of hotel services by consumers.
Conclusions. It is established that to increase the effectiveness of hotels, it is advisable to use a marketing strategy focused on the consumer of hotel services. To achieve satisfaction of consumers of hotel services it is necessary not only to monitor the quality of services provided, but also to implement marketing approaches to doing business. A set of well-chosen methods of service quality management allows you to organize the activities of hotels so that all the subjects of the hotel services market will benefit: a satisfied consumer, hotel staff and profitable hotel service manufacturers.
Key words marketing research, consumer behavior, questionnaires, hotel services market, hotel services.
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