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JEL code classification: L83; R29

Аuthor(s) Kalchenko S.V., Doctor of Economics, prof.
Popova T.V., Ph.D., Assoc.
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Аbstract Introduction. Under modern conditions, the importance of recreational services as a factor in promoting socio-economic development at the national and regional levels is growing. Increasing the level of entrepreneurial activity in the fields of tourism and hotel and restaurant business has a positive effect on the level of employment of the local population, improving incomes, restraining depopulation processes and more. It should be noted that the industry specifics of these activities include not only the use of elements of the environment, cultural sites, etc. as key components of the process of cooperation with the client, but also compliance with relevant rules and regulations for their application. These circumstances have a positive impact on the processes of sustainable development of territorial communities, regions and the country as a whole. The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of economic activity of rural green tourism entities as elements of the institutional environment at the national and regional levels. Results. During the study, the content of the Regulations of the National Strategy for Tourism and Resorts for the period up to 2026 was analyzed. The objectivity of the tendencies of institutionalization of the representatives of the tourist branch as an integral element of the adaptation of the national economic model to the standards of the post-industrial society is proved. The logic of the sequence “institution” – “institution” is substantiated, when the traditions and customs of human society eventually find their functional realization in the form of a corresponding socio-economic formation. Conclusions. The article highlights the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the activities of rural green tourism entities in the system of institutional relations. The study proves the institutional nature of the field of recreational services as those aimed at meeting the basic needs of man as a biological being and a member of society. An analysis of the evolution of tourism and its transformation into a form of entrepreneurial activity as a result of the interaction of socio-economic institutions. Institutional aspects of conducting recreational activities are formulated. The necessity of institutionalization of business entities engaged in the field of rural green tourism as a guarantee of their further effective functioning is substantiated.
Key words rural green tourism, social efficiency, institute, institution, sustainable development.
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